Mom says we need to get ready to go to the basement just in case a tornado comes to our house. I need to explain to mom and Pug what they need to do if one does come. First we need to get everything ready so if it comes we can just jump up and go. I tell mom not to worry because I have great sensitives that will help me warn them. I have great ears to hear, so if the weather radio goes off upstairs I will be able to hear it and will be able to tell them to run. I also have great seeing so I will be able to see the wind outside. Those are the only sensitives I will need to be able to warn mom about the tornado. Oh, mom says it is not sensitives, it is senses, oops. Well, I guess I could even use my sense of touch, like if all the lights went off and we could not see anything then I could feel my way along the walls and lead mom and Pug down to the basement.
OK, come over here Pug I want to tell you about what we should do. First we should get everything ready. That's all I know. No wait, we should also not go outside or near windows, we should also not take an umbrella because if you open it the lightning will hit you.
Mom is trying to watch the news, Pug is running around like crazy, and I am trying to still explain to mom what she should do. She keeps turning the TV up, so I have to keep talking louder. Uh Oh, the news just said that a tornado just hit around where my family used to live. I cannot believe it, I remind mom that we did not have a basement in that house, so it is such a good thing that we moved here. If we had been in our old house we would have had to run outside and jump in a ditch. Mom says that the laundry room would probably have been ok. I wonder what would happen if there was no ditch, I am pretty sure I could dig a ditch fast before the tornado got to me. I tell mom that I am going to watch the umbrella outside to see if it starts turning. If it starts turning I will immediately, immediately find mom and Pug to warn them, then I will watch it to see which direction it is turning so I will know which direction the tornado is going. I really want to watch the news now, I tell mom that she should be listening too because it is important.
This was a hard one to type because he was talking so fast about everything that it was really hard to keep up with him. LOL